Design of Innovative Solutions
Tailored on real customer needs,
Reliable and long-lasting,
Financially viable
Design of Innonative Solutions
DEMEPA is an engineering and consulting company operating in the electrical infrastructure sector.
Founded in the 2009 by a team of Senior Advisors and Business Development Managers with long term experience gained in utilities, research centers, manufacturers and technical bodies, DeMEPA provides cutting edge design solutions on the international market.
DeMEPA implements projects either alone or in cooperation with other internationally referenced firms.
In addition to the skilled staff members, DEMEPA can draw on its international network of Friend Experts to make available innovative and sustainable design solutions for our customers.


ALPGRIDS Project co-founded by The European Regional Development Fund
DeMEPA is partner of the ALGRIDS project aimed at increasing the uptake of RES in alpine regions through microgrid solutions.

via Madrid 16,
20090 Segrate (MI) – ITALY

phone: +39 02 49518538
fax: +39 02 49518538